Saturday, January 25, 2014

A journey through my pregnancy.

So, this is an awesome tag that i absolutely cannot wait to do! What you hav to do is this: Answer each question with a photo. I'm tagging mommy bloggers Whitney and Melissa. You can find their blogs by clicking on their names. Let's get started!

A photo of you and your husband/family before this pregnancy.

How did you announce your pregnancy?

What were your first cravings?

First ultrasound photo. 

First belly photo

Belly photo from second trimester/12 weeks

How did you announce the gender of your baby?

Did you travel or vacation while pregnant?

Favorite part of being pregnant.

Favorite maternity photos.

Third trimester/28 week belly photo.

Photos from your baby shower/s.

Final belly photo
-This is me at 39w1d, a few hours before labor started.

Last thing you did before you gave birth?
-Made this pie. While in labor, lol.

First picture of your baby

This was SO much fun! Thanks to my YouTube friend, Rachel for tagging me!!
I tag any other blogger moms who read this post. Happy posting! :)

1 comment:

  1. woohoo! I'm super excited about this one ;) Better get started!!!!
