Monday, January 6, 2014

Colic, Milk Protein Allergies, and Nutramigen.

When Paisley was about four weeks old, she began to cry from midnight until 4am, every single night. We had just accepted the fact that our baby had colic, and there was nothing we could do. Until a friend of mine, Ashley, told me her child did the same thing, and that in just one day, she noticed a difference when switching to Nutramigen. I'm new to the mommy thing, so I didn't know what it was for, but I knew it was a different and expensive formula, and I wanted to try it. It worked in one day, just like she said it would. A few days later, Paisley had blood in her stool and I had a mini heart attack. We ran her to her and her yucky diaper to the pediatrician's office for them to test her stool. They confirmed she did in fact have a milk protein allergy, and that Nutramigen was the way to go. We are so thankful that Ashley recommended Nutramigen. We would not have known so soon otherwise. The bloody stool was because she was no longer on milk based formula as a supplement. Her body was basically detoxing, and her colon was irritated. I was mostly breastfeeding at the time, and only supplementing once or twice a day with formula. Unfortunately, that was the day I was crushed to find out that it was best that I stopped the breastfeeding, because her allergy was extreme. I couldn't even eat certain packaged foods because of the whey and casein, which are hidden milk proteins. My milk bothered her belly way too badly. Even if I ate dairy free, my lactose bothered her. We moved strictly on to Nutramigen, and it was life changing, and I mean that whole-heartedly! It's insanely expensive, but it is absolutely worth every single penny.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited you're doing a mommy blog Caroline! :) yay! and I will get those coupons, and her gift to you as soon as possible :)

