Monday, January 13, 2014

You know you're a new mommy when...

·         You could probably run the country on 3 hours of good deep sleep

·         You dress your baby up like a baby model everyday but you have been wearing the same yoga pants for a week.

·         You use your bare hands to wipe runny noses, or catch spit up

·         You sometimes never even make it out of your pajamas that day

·         You have forgotten what a hot meal is

·         You feel relief when you hear your baby pass gas or have a bowel movement because you can see how uncomfortable they are….really. Sometimes I think I get more relief than she does when I hear it! ;)

·         You’ve used the Similac website to check out your baby’s poop….more than once

·         You pick up items with your toes because you can’t set the baby down, and you can’t bend over

·         You finally do set the baby down, and you immediately miss them, even if they’re beside you

·         When your diaper bag is full of unnecessary "just in case" items & ends up being heavier than baby

·         Your phone's memory is suddenly insufficient due to the thousands of pictures you've taken in the last month...and clearing them out is sooooo not happening!

·         When eau de spit up is your newest perfume and you don't care!

·         When sleep sounds like a better option than any other event

·         When your new nightly routine consists of brushing your teeth, checking on baby, washing your face, checking on baby, getting in bed, getting out of bed, checking on baby…Then finally getting back in bed again just to think of needing to check on baby again

·         You're packing for a trip and realize you've packed more outfits for your little one than for yourself. There's the cute outfit, the casual outfit, the warm one, and the short sleeve one just in case the weather is unpredictable. After all, the little princess has to have options

·         Your wedding day suddenly becomes the second best day of your life

·         Your little one’s toothless smile brings you more joy than anything else ever has

·         You know where all of the best diaper, wipe, formula, and baby food sales are, but you can’t remember when Victoria’s Secret is having their semi-annual sale anymore

·         Spit up has become an accessory

·         You feel weird talking to some of your non-parent friends because you can’t think of a single non-baby related topic to discuss

·         You feel like you won the lottery every time you get formula or diaper coupons in the mail.

These are the best ones I’ve read and I contributed some of my own! Comment here on the blog to add your favorites!

1 comment:

  1. Adding to your multi-tasking capabilities holding a baby & washing a bottle, all while also talking on the phone, watching tv, and folding laundry ;)
