Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Pregnancy. Does it affect friendships?

Well, it shouldn’t. Unfortunately, it does. I could sit here and write a scathing blog about how terrible you find out your “friends” are when you become pregnant. I had barely a handful of friends by the time I was 2 months pregnant. Everyone was excited and over 150 people “liked” my announcement of pregnancy, but there certainly weren’t over 150 people who kept in contact with me. Even family kept their distance as if pregnancy were some disease. And you know what? I don’t want to hear it’s because we couldn’t “party” anymore, because we weren’t big “partiers” to begin with. Regardless, I WAS STILL FUN!

But, instead of sitting here and focusing on and ranting about the negative things, I will just say that I am thankful for that small handful of people. You truly find out who your friends are, and your friend count dwindles down dramatically. Here’s the thing…I don’t care.  I’ve always heard that 4 quarters is better than 100 pennies any day.

Pregnancy absolutely affected my friendships. Some in a bad way, but so many in good ways. I became friends with people I never saw myself as being friends with, (not because I didn’t like them…but because we just never talked on a personal level), I reconnected with some friends who I had lost touch with, and I made new friends…all through the common bond: Being pregnant and/or having children. To be honest with you, once my daughter was born, I found myself more interested in other mothers as friends, anyway. I know it might sound snobby, but it’s true. Motherhood is my life, and I like to surround myself with other people living the same lifestyle. My mommy friends of course take a back seat to family, but these are the girls I now consider my second family. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t turn my nose up at you if you don’t have children, but I promise you non mom friends of mine, that you do NOT want to hear me ramble on constantly about spit up, teething, bodily functions, and drool. Unless you care about and love Paisley as much as you do me.  Quite luckily,  I actually have a friend or two like that. Oh yeah, my best friend is better than yours! ;)

To wrap things up, I just want to say “Thank you” to the few friends that never left my side, the old friends I reconnected with, and the new friends I made along the way. I am so excited for these old, new, and renewed friendships to flourish, and to watch your babies grow and play with mine. I’ll take playdates and mommy dates over a night at the “club” any day. To my friends without kids, thank you for showing support, effort, and love. That is the true definition of friendship.

1 comment:

  1. :)
    I find that we lose those friendships, because we're growing up... and they are not. Unfortunately I have "mommy friends" that use to party all the time, and I no longer am into that scene.
    BBQ's and Pool Parties and watching the children play outside--- now that is my cup of tea!
    Can't wait till Miss Paisley gets a little older, and Christopher can play!

