Wednesday, January 8, 2014

TAG! You're it! Super mommy tag.

I was actually tagged in this, and another tag by a fellow YouTuber who heard me mention having a new baby in my most recent beauty vlog. (UD Naked 3 Palette!)

1.       How many kids do you have and what ages? I have 1 daughter, who will be 3 months the day after tomorrow.

2.       Do you feel like you have it all together every day? (Cleaning, laundry, baby, etc.) For the most part, I do. Paisley loves her play time in the swing and bouncer, which does give me the opportunity to do some laundry and cleaning.

3.       When do you make time to shower? Day or night? I shower every morning. Paisley is usually still asleep until right after I shower.

4.       Do you wear makeup every day? On the days I work, I do wear makeup. On the weekends, I don’t bother!

5.       Do you style your hair every day or ponytail it? Luckily, I am a curly headed gal, so I just let it dry on its own after I shower.

6.       When do you find time to do your hair and makeup? When the kids are awake or asleep? Either or. As long as P is sleeping or playing!

7.       Do you work out and when? One hour at night, 5 days a week.

8.       What’s your house cleaning schedule? Do you clean daily? Of course I clean daily…I’m a new mommy!! I’m always picking up little things here and there. A sock here, a blanket there, cleaning bottles, etc!

9.       Do you ever get overwhelmed with all of your responsibilities as a mom? Honestly, I have not felt overwhelmed quite yet. It does get stressful sometimes, but I have not gotten to that point…yet.

10.   How often do you have alone/me time and how do you relax? Every night when P goes to bed around 9:00, I lie in bed and either play on Facebook, YouTube, read, or blog now.

I’m tagging few specifics, but also everyone who reads this! Same title, same questions. I can’t wait to read yours!

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