Friday, January 31, 2014

A little bit of everything!

Well this week sure has been hectic to say the least! Paisley's diaper rash had cleared almost one hundred percent by Monday, and by Wednesday, it was back to wreak havoc! Now this may be TMI for some of you out there, but the poor baby is so raw! Her skin is split open in several places, and she is beet red from front to back. We've done literally everything, so I finally caved and took her to the doctor when she began to scream in pure agony Thursday morning. She's on two special creams, and I have to give her 2-3 baking soda baths per day.

Other than that, this hectic week hasn't been so bad. She got to see her first real snow, and it was a blast. She kept giggling at the snowflakes. It was way too cute! The only part she wasn't fond of is how bright it was outside. Here are some pictures:

I just love that snow suit from her Aunt Blakely!

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm ready to get out of this house and go back to work Monday. I was only supposed to be out Tuesday-Thursday, but of course I ended up having to take today off to take her back to the doctor. The doctor actually said that she is extremely intellectual and makes great eye contact. She's very focused, which means she is already showing signs of high intelligence levels. Her exact words!! (YES, I'm bragging! Hehe.) I am looking forward to watching her continue to grow. As much as I hate that she is getting bigger, I absolutely love watching her discover new things. For instance, she has recently discovered that she has delicious fists!!! ;) She's teething, which I'm not looking forward to her being in pain, but I just know how cute those little nuggets will be! Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this way!

Enough of that, though. I'll talk to you guys later. Have a great weekend!


  1. This blog will be such a treasure for Paisley when she gets older.

  2. I loved the pictures of her first snow :) & her cute little outfit! I hope she gets better soon!
