Friday, January 24, 2014

Date night

So, I would like to say first and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS to my awesome husband for landing this wonderful job! I am so proud of him, and so proud to be his wife. He is the hardest working man I've ever met, and even more importantly, he is the best daddy a girl could ask for.

As soon as we found out this Tuesday that he got the job, his siblings immediately volunteered to come babysit so we could go out for a celebratory dinner. Now, I have to be honest....before Tuesday, my babysitting contact list was one single person; my mother. So, of course I was hesitant in some ways. My sister in law is absolutely wonderful with Paisley, so that wasn't a concern. My brother in law has a five year old. He's pretty familiar with this, so that wasn't a concern either.

The thing is, I never really considered it "babysitting" when my mother came over to watch her. It might sound weird, but I guess it's because she's my mother. So, tonight felt like our first real date night. My mother has watched her while we ran errands, and once while we went to dinner a mile away at CJ's Chop House. Other than daycare, I'm never really without her!

We ended up going to Fatz in Camden, and it was wonderful. I made a promise not to text them, because I know wholeheartedly that they would certainly call if problems were to arise. So, I put my phone away, and my husband and I enjoyed each other's company. (Although, I did eat as expeditiously as possible!) We enjoyed each other so much, that it almost felt like we were the only ones there. We are 3 months away from our fourth wedding anniversary, and just passed our five year mark of  being together. Keeping the fire alive, especially with a new baby is so important. It is hard to fully focus on each other with our sweet girl around, and that's fine with me. It just felt good tonight to "reconnect" with each other in a sense. It also felt good to have a few drinks while I was there. ;)

All in all, date night was a complete success. Coming home to my sweet baby with her sweet giggles and heart melting toothless grin was the icing on the cake. If you've seen my Facebook, you'll know I haven't slept (literally) in days. Somehow, I'm okay with that. Every minute with her makes me smile.

Back to the point: Congratulations again to Nathan, and a HUGE thank you to Monica and Josh for being so great to their niece. And of course, I can't forget her sweet big cousin, Caleb, who absolutely loves and adores her. He is truly an amazing kid, and I'm so lucky to be his aunt.

I love all of them more than they'll ever know.

Until next time, my friends!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you got to go out on a date :) When you have a child, sometimes it's the little things-- that turn into big things, and it makes it all the more special :)
