Monday, January 6, 2014

Newborn must haves. 0-3 Months.

I wish I had seen something out there that told me what the must haves, and have nots of new baby items were. I would have never wasted money on that stupid wipe warmer, that's for sure! ;) The things I found to be absolute must haves - aside from your basics; diapers, clothes, etc - were:

1. Fisher Price cradle swing.
2. Fisher Price Rock & Play Sleeper...she has reflux and this thing is a GOD SEND!
3. Boppy pillow. It is great for all babies, but it is especially great for nursing moms. There is no reason a nursing mother should be without one of these!
4. MAM Pacifiers. This one will get a lot of negative feedback, I'm sure. Bottom line is, my baby loves a paci, she was given a Soothie while in NICU, and will now only take MAM ones - and she acts like her life depends on them.
5. Velcro swaddle blankets (garanimals swaddle me) - She won't sleep without being swaddled. Probably because she was in the NICU for 8 days and was always swaddled when she wasn't nursing. It doesn't bother me at all, though. she absolutely loves being swaddled.
6. Dr. Brown's bottles. In addition to the Nutramigen getting rid of the tummy issues, these bottles made it the perfect pair. They're like a dynamic duo of greatness.
7. Nutramigen! (Surprise?!)
8. Baby Zantac (another miracle worker)
9. An on the go formula dispenser. It's the little things.
10. Our changing table. Everyone said "You'll never use it." Well that is false. I have never changed her anywhere else in this house besides on that table. And because it's the only time she's allowed to lie down flat (because of reflux) she has a great time kicking her legs. She does most of her talking, smiling, and giggling on that changing table.

I hope this was helpful to those of you who are expecting, or have just had a baby. What were your must have items? Please comment below and tell me, because I would love to hear them!

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