Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The truth about motherhood.

Motherhood. It is the most amazing thing I have ever done with my life. But, it is not always easy. Easy and natural are two completely different things. Being a mother came naturally. I was made to be Paisley’s mother. However, it did not come easily by any means. I had an easy pregnancy, and even an easy labor up until the emergency C-section. The obstacles immediately started at 9:26am, when she entered this world, only to go straight into the NICU. Since then, we have encountered many more obstacles. Sleepless nights, lots of crying, food allergies, ear infections, stuffy noses, nasty coughs, early stages of teething , a completely inconsolable baby at times, and of course lots of yucky diapers and being thrown up, peed, and pooped on. Doesn’t sound too easy, does it?

Being a parent can make you acquire what I feel really are superpowers. I mean, I never know I could do so many things with my hands! Bounce a crying baby while feeding her, feeding myself, flipping through the channels on TV, and even Facebooking about my amazement at the fact I’m doing all of these things at once. Most commonly, my hands are occupied by holding her, but they are still capable of even more. Oh yes. If you had asked me two years ago if I could see myself wiping tears, drool, and boogies or even catching flying vomit, I would have laughed. These are regular occurrences now. Do I have a problem sticking my pinky in her nose to dig out a boogie? Nope! Did I plan on catching vomit in the palm of my hand? Nope! And we’re back to what comes naturally. It’s basically an instinct to catch bodily fluids from any orifice. Is it yucky? Absolutely. Does it gross me out? Nope!

Parenthood is about more than just having a child. It is not just about one new life, but three. As we welcomed a new life; mine and my husband’s lives also became new. Absolutely for the better, I might add. Nathan and I are not just a married couple anymore…We were a family of three. –And how exciting is that?–  The moment I laid eyes on my daughter, I felt the love everyone was talking about, but stronger than I could have ever dreamed of. I had no idea I could love something or someone so much, and it grows by at least double every day. It is truly unexplainable. Motherhood itself is the most empowering feeling in the world. You grew a life inside of you; a life that depended solely on you for nine whole months. It doesn’t get much more empowering than that.

Even with the obstacles and frustration at times, there has never been anything so worth it; sleepless nights and all. Every kiss, every toothless grin, every time her little hands grasp my finger, every time that beautiful sweet baby falls asleep in my arms: That’s what makes it worthwhile. That’s what makes me feel like a superhero. So, I close this in saying that the truth about motherhood is this: While it is not easy, it is amazing. There is absolutely nothing in this world that I would trade it for. It is full of exhaustion, unexpected illnesses, and all things of the like, but it is also filled with love, and more happy moments than you could ever begin to count. I wish I could sit here and explain to you how much I love not only my child, but also being a mother. There are no words that could even begin to touch the depths of it. In short, it rocks, and I highly recommend it. That’s the truth about motherhood.

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